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FREE matching colored billfish edition teaser included with purchase of our standard squid dredge. (green dredge comes with green mauler and pink tips flippy) 

Comes with our mauler squid dredge which included 39 9 inch mauler squid rigged with your choice of a 36 inch heavy wire squidnation or fishrazr dredge bar 

1 oz weights are loaded in each squid rigged with 250 pound jinkai line and crimps 

AFW swivel connects the center drop to the bar 

Comes with our matching colored billfish edition teaser which include (2)  flippy squid folowed by 3 regular 9 inch mauler squid in a chain terminated with a 320 pound ballbearing double welded afw snap swivel to change out your teaser bait 

Avialiable in red sparkle, killer pink, blue or green. 

FREE billfish edition flippy teaser with purchase of dredge

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